How do I connect to the Internet and why should I care? Print

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All end-user devices connect to the Access portion of a network typically via cellular, WiFi or a computer cable. All traffic eventually travels over fibre to the global internet.

The major difference between the various access technologies is the distance to the fibre (FTTx):
FTTC: Fiber to the curb: last 300m+ is telephone cable, various xDSL technologies
FTTB: Fiber to the building: last few meter is computer cable
FTTH: Fiber to the home: fiber all the way into the home, last few meters is computer cable and W-iFi
FTTO: Fiber to the office: fiber all the way into the office, last few meters is computer cable and W-iFi
FTTM: Fiber to the mast: fiber to the mast or tower, last few thousand meters is wireless
P2P: Point-to Point: fibre from one point to the next, fiber is not split or shared

So, the closer the fibre, the better. It is more robust with virtually unlimited capacity!

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