
International capacity fully restored

  • 19th February 2020
International capacity fully restored   We are pleased to announce that we received confirmation in the early hours of this morning (approximately 01:30), from aboard cable ship Leon Thevenin, that the portion of the SAT3/WASC repair offshore Congo has now been completed. This concludes a long and complex restoration process of an ...
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Cable ship Leon Thevenin changes course but steady progress continues

  • 4th February 2020
Rough conditions at sea and inclement weather seems to be the major factor directing the crew aboard the Leon Thevenin as they progress with the joint repair mission of the South Atlantic 3/West Africa Submarine Cable (SAT3/WASC) and the West African Cable System (WACS).   We have been advised by the Chief of Mission aboard the vessel that in ...
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Slow Internet in South Africa to continue for much longer

  • 24th January 2020 South African Internet users who are experiencing slow international connectivity speeds will have to wait until at least next week for the issue to be resolved. The slow international speeds are caused by “unusual and simultaneous dual cable breaks” on the WACS and SAT3/WASC systems, which occurred on 16 January. The ...
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  • 21st January 2020
Dual Submarine Break: Update   Since notice of the dual submarine cable break on Thursday, 16 January 2020, the SAIX Global Capacity team have been exploring options available amongst third party undersea cable consortiums in order to ascertain the availability of spare capacity.   SAIX have since concluded deals with several parties and are ...
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