Rough conditions at sea and inclement weather seems to be the major factor directing the crew aboard the Leon Thevenin as they progress with the joint repair mission of the South Atlantic 3/West Africa Submarine Cable (SAT3/WASC) and the West African Cable System (WACS).
We have been advised by the Chief of Mission aboard the vessel that in order to mitigate against unfavourable conditions, the sequence of the repair work has been changed from what was initially planned. The repair on the affected segment of the WACS cable, off the coast of Congo, is nearing completion and, as it stands, the vessel is due to depart to its next repair destination on 6 February. This departure is 2 days earlier than originally planned.
As per the report received, the vessel will travel on to offshore Ghana next, to attend to the repair of a section of the SAT3/WASC repair. It is anticipated that this restoration portion will be completed by 17 February 2020. This is subject to favourable external factors such as the weather conditions at sea. Thereafter, the ship will proceed to the next break location of the SAT3/WASC cable and again, if all goes well, the work is set to be completed around 25 February.