Openserve uncapped fibre prices in South Africa

  • Tuesday, 1st May, 2018
  • 11:05am

It must be noted that ISPs offer a variety of uncapped packages, which all have different shaping and throttling policies.

Not many ISPs offer true unshaped, uncapped access, and you should consult with the ISP about it's fair usage policies before taking out a package.

Users must also be aware that ISPs may brand their uncapped packages with terms like “Home Uncapped” and “Professional Uncapped”, which have different shaping and throttling rules.

The table below details the 100/50Mbps (download/upload) uncapped fibre packages on Openserve on offer from the country’s top ISPs.

Openserve 100/50Mbps Uncapped Packages
ISP Price p/m
Afrihost – Home Uncapped R1,317
Afrihost – Premium Uncapped R1,617
Afrihost – Priority Uncapped R2,017
Axxess – Home Uncapped R1,419
Axxess – Premium Uncapped R1,719
Axxess – Premium Plus Uncapped R2,219
MWEB R1,309
Cool Ideas R1,499
Vox R1,562
Telkom Home Unlimited* R1,714
Webafrica R2,039
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