• Wednesday, 28th March, 2018
  • 10:20am
IMPORTANT NOTICE: VAT INCREASE 01 APRIL 2018 - Please be advised that in order to comply, Eden Telecom will be amending the VAT rate on all invoicing to 15% effective from 1 April 2018.
This VAT increase will thus result in changes to your final (VAT inclusive) purchase price for all sales not concluded before the 29th of March 2018. 
Sales have to be concluded as follows to still qualify for the 14% VAT rate:
1. COD sales – Payment to be received by close of business 29/03/2018
2. Account sales – Collected or delivered by close of business 29/03/2018 (signed proof of delivery required)
Thank you for your business - we appreciate it very much.
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