All the recent commotion in Knysna surrounding fibre-optic based internet service has had a positive spinoff for all Knysna residents. After being totally isolated for years, Knysna has emerged as a prime fibre-optic destination. Eden Telecom has managed to acquire massive internet capacity to the World Wide Interwebs. We would like to celebrate the occasion by passing on the benefits to all of our happy Eden Telecom customers!
Please see our very generous new internet packages here:
…..and stay tuned for more!!
Because of the very high speeds achieved via Fibre-optic cable, “UNLIMITED” access is still rather expensive but we believe a “pay as you use” model is the most equitable solution.
The “first world” fibre infrastructure has now made it viable for us to offer internet telephone calls (VOIP) at greatly reduced rates with savings of up to 50%. We can also connect your home to your office or head office to your branches for internal communication.
We have been bombarded with questions regarding the recent changes on Thesen Islands so some additional facts:
Residential Area Networking T/A Eden Telecom is an ICASA Licensed National Network Service Provider, just like Telkom, Vodacom, MTN etc. Please see attached ICASA License (Independent Communications Authority of SA).
Eden Telecom has been providing Internet related services in Knysna since 2003 and was one of the first ISP’s in the country to offer “open access network” facilities to a competitor in 2006. Eden Telecom had the first private VDSL network in the country and we also installed our first fibre-optic cables on Thesen Islands at the same time.
We have recently activated points of presence throughout the Southern Cape and deliver guaranteed services to National clients such as Pick n Pay and Mr Price.
Eden Telecom submitted a joint proposal to TIHOA / TICOA in 2016, to connect every building on Thesen Islands with Fibre-optic connectivity. TICOA unanimously accepted the proposal and +-80% of buildings in Thesen Harbour Town have been connected thus far.
After +- 13 years of service, Eden Telecom is no longer providing the IT Service Level Agreement to TIHOA. Not to worry, we have built a brand new “state of the art” data centre at the Boat Shed and we are busy re-routing all our fibre-optic cables without interruption to our happy customers.
We have not been able to source free labour or hardware, to do free installations, but we have figured out how to offer a *FREE basic internet service. We think that this will be especially useful to homeowners who either rent out their properties or who are not permanent residents. This service will also gradually be rolled out to the rest of Knysna to empower our local community. Although nothing is ever for "FREE", it will be a sponsored service. Please contact our office for further details.
Our office is right on your doorstep, next to Ile De Pain and you can walk in anytime to talk to a real, friendly human.
We live right next to you and take personal service, very personal. If asked, our “rocket scientists” tend to bend over backwards to extract a smile!
We know we are not perfect. We can not do everything, but we can try our very best, so if we have done something in the past that has caused unhappiness, we would still like to hear from you.
To our happy customers: please tell your friends! We love making happy people even happier. Sign up to our affiliate program and refer a friend. We’ll throw FREE “data” at you for every order that you refer!
As for the Thesen Islands Intercom System: Eden Telecom has proposed an alternative solution to mitigate the ongoing copper network maintenance costs to the existing intercom system. The solution will allow every Thesen Islands homeowner to be contacted on their cell or home phone FREE of charge. We have not received a response from the TIHOA but this solution can be implemented immediately.
We thank you for your continued support and look forward to the next 13 years of innovation!
Kind Regards,
The Eden Telecom Team
“Eden Telecom has supplied internet services to our house on Thesen Islands for the past 10 years. Even when the occasional technical issue has arisen, Eden’s helpful and friendly staff have always responded proactively and resolved it efficiently. It is reassuring to be able to speak to ‘real’ people locally. I wish we had this quality of service in the UK!”
Roger Boughton - K17
"I have always been a very happy customer with your excellent service ...a BIG thank you to your team "
Jill Van't Hof - B2
"Thanks for the info that’s great news and yes Monica is a fantastic front office real live person instead of a robotic recording at most places today!!!"
Bill Ney to Eden Telecom Knysna
"Tale of Two Telecoms We are renting on Thesen's Island and we were in serious need of a good internet connection and so I was very happy to hear Vodacom was bringing fiber to the homes here. Vodacom required us to have a signed letter from the bank as well as copies of identification to start the process. We were told it would be two to three weeks and first someone needed to survey the property. It was also going to cost R1000 for the installation as we needed a month to month contract as owner was not interested in a long term contract. After submitting the application we had Eden Telecom come by to hook up the intercom to the guard house. We got to talking with Louw, who fixed us right up. I mentioned to him our Vodacom experience. He told us that we already had their fiber to the house. I told him we might be interested in reconnection. Later that day Louw was back and asked if we would like to try out their service. He installed our access and we were up and running at fast 20MBit connection the same day. Richard came by the next day to check on things and did a quick test to see the connection speed was as advertised. I came from the US and I never experienced this high level of trust and quality of service. They are a Local business with good people who care about their customers. These guys are great and fun to talk with and I would highly recommend them."